Brief Recap: See historic posts for a play by play
Chris Blizzard - Grade 7 Late French Immersion class, 23 students
(Bring Your Own Learning Device – students have laptops, SMARTBoard)
Lukman Hashmi - Grade 8 Late French Immersion class, 22 students
(students have access to reservable mobile laptop cart; projector in classroom)
Analee Griffin - Grade 8 Late French Immersion class, 23 students
(Bring Your Own Learning device – students have laptops; SMARTBoard in classroom)
Introductory lesson observation notes:
- Coming back from March Break, the classroom was set up with the students organized into the four countries. I tried to ensure a good balance of academic strength, work habits, social skills, creativity and leadership in each country, plus a friend in each country but bigger friend groups
- Spread out so as to keep group dynamics neutral. The image is of the classroom setup on Smart Notebook.
- The students were intrigued with the concept from the get-go. I let them know that the simulation was going to go on for much of the term, and we would be integrating aspects of critical thinking (our school learning goal), French Language Arts, Science, Socials, Career Education as we went.
- We read and discussed some of the content of the Science website links related to space travel and exoplanets
- We looked at the map of Kepler-452b on the SMARTBoard and had an excellent discussion imagining what each country might be like.
- As we are teaching with COVID protocols, we have adapted the program implementation with a couple of ideas:
- We are using Class Dojo points this year to track/encourage in-class use of French and participation, so I created a Dojo group for the countries and are awarding points for participation and completion of the different Kepler’s STARS tasks, rather than the sticker system provided with Kepler.

- Welcome to Le Forum
- Getting Started
- Initiating the Simulation
- Using MS Teams to Collaborate
- Orbit 1 Lesson 1 History Documents (English, In-class),
- Orbit 1 Lesson 1 History Documents (French, TEAMS)
Chris Blizzard Makes Adaptations, Students Establishing Identity,
- Orbit 1 Sets the Scene
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